Glendale Family Advocacy Center

The goal of the Glendale Family Advocacy Center is to provide comprehensive and coordinated services to crime victims in a safe, comfortable and convenient setting. We envision a community where survivors of crime feel supported and heard as they navigate the criminal justice system and engage in their own personal healing. Services to support crime victims will be trauma informed, evidence based and victim centered with a primary focus of justice, empowerment, restoration and healing. 


The Glendale Family Advocacy Center

The goal of the Glendale Family Advocacy Center (GFAC) is to provide comprehensive and coordinated services to crime victims in a safe, comfortable and convenient setting. The “one-stop” center is a partnership between the Glendale Police Department, Department of Child Services, Honor Health and the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. Read More

FamilyProtecting Our Children

How do you teach your children of the dangers within the community without scaring them? The most important thing a parent can do is teach their children to think and be prepared. The Glendale Family Advocacy Center has several programs targeted on keeping our children safe. Read More

Internet safety imageInternet Safety

If your child is surfing the web, you need to be paddling right alongside him — or at least observing carefully from the shore. While the internet offers goodies galore (educational materials, fun games, and connections with people all over the world), it can also pose risks to your child's physical safety and emotional well-being. Here are some basic rules to help keep kids safe online. Read more

For more age by age tips on how to keeps kids safe online, visit or

HandsVictim Assistance

The mission of the Victim Assistance Unit within the Glendale Police Department is
to provide comprehensive services to victims and their families who are affected by
crime; to help them regain stability in their lives; and help them exert their rights as a crime victim. Read more.

VINE Link image
AZ Glendale VINE System

The AZ Glendale VINE system is a service through which victims of crime can use the Internet to search for information regarding the custody status of their offender and to register to receive telephone and e-mail notification when the offender’s custody status changes.
Visit the FREE online service now. Download and learn about the mobile app.

NurseMedical Services

Medical professionals from Honor Health and The Child Protection Team are part of the team of law enforcement, prosecution, social service agencies and mental health clinicians working in collaboration to provide quality care and expert testimony to victims of physical and sexual abuse, neglect and child maltreatment. Read More.

GPD CoinGlendale Police Department

The mission of the Glendale Police Department is to protect the lives and
property of the people we serve. We value Courage, Integrity, Excellence,
Respect, Dedication and Compassion. To visit the Glendale Police
Department website now, Click Here.

Raised HandsVolunteer

Are you interested in making your community a better place and making a positive impact? Victim assistance volunteers help crime victims in many ways: on-scene crisis intervention, criminal
justice advocacy, court accompaniment and emotional support. If you are interested in lending a helping hand, Read More.

Contact Us

Glendale Family Advocacy Center
6830 North 57th Drive
Glendale, AZ 85301
P:(623) 930-3720