Extensive renovations that allow enhanced, more efficient and comfortable service for residents, along with functionality for employees and modern, bright aesthetics have revitalized Glendale City Court.
Earlier today, the city of Glendale celebrated this major milestone during an informative ribbon-cutting and re-dedication ceremony that featured Mayor Jerry Weiers and the Glendale City Council, as well as Glendale Presiding Judge Nicholas C. DiPiazza and Assistant City Manager Jamsheed Mehta. The significant upgrades, made over a year, have propelled the court into the 21st century.
To better serve diverse residents, two Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)--compliant service windows have been added in the courthouse. In order to provide more privacy for residents seeking information and asking questions, “wings” or dividers have been installed at the other customer service counters to allow residents’ conversations with clerks to be more contained. New digital screens that display information about cases also are positioned at a level that meets ADA guidelines to improve access for all residents.
Security has also been heightened in the courthouse to give residents and visitors additional peace of mind. Visiting the courthouse is also more comfortable as the heating and air-conditioning systems have been upgraded and a family bathroom has been installed. New, sustainable lighting and flooring, along with new pews and desks in the courtrooms and calming blue, gray and off-white paint add to the courthouse’s facelift.
“The renovations symbolize our commitment to justice and accessibility,” Judge DiPiazza said. “We are grateful to celebrate this new chapter in the city’s history with these major upgrades to the courthouse that will allow us to keep serving the community with integrity and excellence.”
Behind the scenes, courthouse employees are reaping the benefits of more ergonomic workspaces, including new, sit-to-stand desks. New stations behind the customer service area allow clerks to work more independently at their desks.
To learn more about Glendale City Court, visit