Graffiti Removal Request
Thank you for using the City of Glendale's Service Request System to report graffiti in you neighborhood. The City of Glendale appreciates its citizens participation in the removal of graffiti.
To report graffiti please visit the city’s service request system by clicking the icon below. When prompted for the issue type, look for Neighborhood Concerns or simply start typing the issue.
By using GlendaleOne to report this issue staff will automatically be assigned for follow-up; and, submitters have the option to personalize notification preferences for automatic progress updates, add photos, search a knowledge base of frequently asked questions, quickly access important phone numbers, and request a variety of other city services.

If you would prefer to call, you can leave detailed information at 623.930.2940. The City of Glendale strives to remove all reported graffiti within 48 hours of being notified.
If you are witnessing graffiti occur in progress, please contact the Glendale Police Department immediately at 623-930-3000.