Mayor Weiers Encourages Eligible Community Members to Register for Glendale University
Glendale Mayor Jerry Weiers is encouraging all Glendale residents and business owners to save the date for the Spring 2024 Glendale University 101 program.
The GU101 application process is now open.
GU101 is a ten-week program sponsored by Arizona State University that is open to everyone 18 years-old or older who resides or owns a business in Glendale.
During the ten-week course, participants learn more about the city’s innerworkings and get an inside look at each department’s operations, as well as meet the staff who make it all happen. Each week’s class will be held in a different facility in the city and will include a tour of that facility.
The Spring 2024 GU101 classes will be held from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. on Wednesdays beginning March 6, 2024, through May 8, 2024.
Classes are free and limited in size to encourage interaction among participants and the city staff who teach each unit.
Attendees who complete eight of the ten GU101 classes will be honored during a GU101 graduation ceremony held on the final night of class.
“Our motto is improving the lives of the people we serve every day. I encourage everyone who is eligible to sign-up for Glendale University and learn about the City’s inner-workings and meet our staff who strive to make our motto more than just words,” stated Mayor Weiers.
Please email at [email protected] or call 623-930-2260 with questions or concerns.
To register for the program, visit: https://form.jotform.com/240166250249149