Attend a Green Living class to improve your home’s water and energy efficiency. Classes are held in person at the Glendale Main Library (5959 W. Brown St.) throughout the year. View the current class calendar here. Find recordings of past virtual classes on our Sustainability Playlist.
Visit the award-winning Glendale Xeriscape Demonstration Garden and get ideas for your own water efficient landscape.
Receive a landscape consultation to improve water efficiency and plant health and non-residential customers can also request a water efficiency assessment.
Request a free conservation kit. Limited to one per household.
Apply for water conservation rebates to save water and money:
- Residential water customers can receive a rebate of up to $3,000, and non-residential customers (i.e., businesses, HOAs, and schools) can receive a rebate of up to $10,000, for removing grass and converting to a low-water-use landscape.
- Residential water customers can also receive rebates for upgrading to a WaterSense toilet, an ENERGY STAR clothes washer, and upgrading to water-efficient irrigation technology.
- Non-residential water customers (i.e., businesses, HOAs, schools, and multi-family properties) can also receive rebates for upgrading to WaterSense toilets, and upgrading to water-efficient irrigation or cooling tower technology.
Would you like to receive class information, monthly watering schedules, timely tips, plant of the month features, and more? Click here to receive monthly updates packed full of great information.
Water is a precious resource and it is important to use it wisely. Report landscape water waste at
Water-Saving Tips and Resources:
Know Your Numbers - Look at your water bill every month and monitor how much water you use monthly (including historic water use). Your water bill is in K or 1,000 gallons. The average Glendale household uses 9,000 gallons of water per month. How do you compare?
If you see a spike in water use, it could be a leak. Find and fix water leaks with the Smart Home Water Guide.
Choose desert-adapted plants that will survive and thrive. Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert showcases over 200 desert-friendly plants.
Learn how to efficiently water your landscape. Landscape Watering by the Number - A Guide for the Arizona Desert offers information on how much water to apply and how long to run your irrigation system.
Glendale water customers can request one printed copy of each publication here. If you would like to request more than one copy of a publication, or have additional questions, email [email protected].
Check out 100+ water-saving tips from Arizona's engaging Water-Use It Wisely campaign!