Right of Way Landscape Maintenance
The Right of Way (ROW) Landscape Maintenance Division’s mission is to provide safe roadsides and medians for vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian travel by maintaining trees, shrubs, and groundcover in an aesthetically pleasing, healthy, and safe condition.
The ROW Division is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of city-owned medians and roadside developed landscapes. The maintenance includes; tree and shrub care, irrigation monitoring and repair, debris removal, weed abatement, and contract management.
The ROW Division is also responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of additional city-owned undeveloped and non-landscaped rights of ways. These areas include alleys, roadsides, and other undeveloped city properties.
In addition to right-of-way landscape maintenance, the ROW Division administers the Policy On Roadside Memorials. Loss of life resulting from a traffic crash has a devastating impact to families and friends of the victim. The City understands the distressing shock of such a loss of life and that some people grieve by placing a memorial near the crash site. To make an official request to place a roadside memorial along the City right-of-way, please submit a Service Request on Glendale1 here and select “Roadside Memorial Request” for the “Request Type”.”
Please note there are many roadside landscapes throughout the City of Glendale and many are maintained by Home Owners Associations, private, and commercial entities, which do not fall under the jurisdiction of the City of Glendale’s Right of Way Landscape Maintenance Division.
The Right of Way Landscape Maintenance Division is administered by the City of Glendale’s Transportation Department.
To report a ROW landscape issue please visit the city's service request system by clicking the icon below. When prompted for the issue type, look for Streets/Sidewalks/Medians or simply start typing the issue.
By using GlendaleOne to report this issue staff will automatically be assigned for follow-up; and, submitters have the option to personalize notification preferences for automatic progress updates, add photos, search a knowledge base of frequently asked questions, quickly access important phone numbers, and request a variety of other city services.

If you need to speak with someone about an issue call 623-930-2940.