Pavement Management

Glendale's Pavement Management Program

Contact Us

Transportation Department
6210 W. Myrtle Avenue
Glendale, Arizona 85301
Current project mappavement treatment

"The right treatment, on the right road, at the right time, with the right contractor, for the right price."

The City of Glendale’s Transportation Department is continuously working to improve and maintain its roadway network. Maintaining a strong network of streets is beneficial to everyone at the regional and local level for connectivity, safety and economic growth.

The current roadway network is comprised of approximately 770 centerline miles of roadway which is nearly 18 million square yards of asphalt and concrete surfacing. It is estimated that the average complete replacement cost for a major roadway is between $5.0-$6.0 million per mile. This indicates a very large amount of funding invested in pavement roadway networks nationwide and specifically within the City of Glendale. Given the high costs of reconstruction, it is imperative to maintain and extend the life of the existing pavement surface to the maximum extent possible.

The city has developed a Pavement Management Program (PMP) to best address street pavement needs. The American Public Works Association defines pavement management as a systematic method for routinely collecting, storing, and retrieving data and information needed to make maximum use of limited resources. The benefits of pavement management are numerous, including rational resource allocation, optimal use of funds, pavement rehabilitation cost reductions, pavement treatment selections, and pavement life extensions. A PMP will ultimately enable best practices for pavement needs that emerge over time. 

Properly maintaining our City streets is a major task. As such, the PMP consists of the rehabilitation of poor and deteriorating streets within the City of Glendale with the application of common treatments as well as other innovative pavement preservation methods. The City of Glendale regularly evaluates the condition of roads and streets to assess the need for maintenance or repair, in addition to prioritizing and scheduling how this takes place. The plan to extend the overall life-expectancy of the City of Glendale’s streets through the most efficient and cost-saving measures is carried out through a series of pavement preservation strategies.

The PMP goal with currently available resources is to touch between 110-130 miles of Glendale streets per year in perpetuity.

Our PMP toolbox includes:

-Crack Seal
        -Asphalt Rejuvenator
-Sealcoats (such as Polymer Modified Surface Seal)
-Slurry Seal
-Micro Seal
-Fractured Aggregate Surface Treatment (FAST)
        -FAST + Sealcoat
-Cape Seal (FAST + Slurry or Micro Seal)
-Thin Overlay (1" to 1.5"); May be considered a "Partial Reconstruction"
-Mill & Overlay (1.5" plus); May be considered a "Reconstruction" to a "Full Reconstruction"

The PMP process includes identifying streets, respective treatment types, contractor scheduling, pre-treatment measures, and placement of the final surface treatment. It is a multi-dimensional undertaking. Construction activities are invariably not always going to occur as originally scheduled. Other factors include weather delays, equipment breakdowns, interruptions to material supply chains, unknown utility conflicts, commitments to other municipalities by the contractor, additional work/material required on streets ahead of other streets in queue, and to a lesser extent staffing resources.

The City sincerely apologizes for any inconveniences and frustrations that occur due to delays or continued postponements. We are not always going to be perfect all of the time; but please rest assured that we do not take delays very lightly and make monumental efforts to bring activities back on track for a successful PMP implementation process. The lines of communication are always open and we encourage you to use them, but most importantly, we appreciate your support too!

Current project map; A new map of areas to be treated between July 2024 to June 2025 is posted with specific surface treatments. 
This updated Pavement Management Program map includes all coverage (approx. 115 miles) identified for the 2025 Fiscal Year.

A report has been developed that documents the state of our City street network with details pertaining to surface conditions, targeted Pavement Condition Index, and available and proposed budget amounts. Please click on the image below to view the results of the of the current Pavement Management Program Plan and Citywide Street network pavement conditions.
Report icon

In addition to the report above, a dashboard of the 10-Year Pavement Management Plan that includes all of the City street segments that will touched by the Plan has been created for your information. On it, you can zoom in on any street of interest and displayed will be the street name, its assigned Fiscal Year, and a general treatment category (Surface Treatment, Partial Reconstruction, or Reconstruction). Click on the image below to launch the dashboard:
dashboard icon

For more information on the City of Glendale’s Pavement Management Program, please contact our project hotline at 602.532.6250.


District Updates

Provided below are upcoming activities over the next week or two according to the contractor’s current schedule. Should you have questions or need information, please contact our 24/7 project hotline at 602.532.6250.

District Maps

City District maps are available below showing Pavement Management Program work anticipated to be completed by June 2024. Any remaining areas not completed are prioritized at the beginning of the subsequent fiscal year.

Please note that significant resources are being allocated to complete all areas within the stated timelines to provide Glendale residents with a positive and aesthetically pleasing driving experience.
The City of Glendale adopted a Pavement Preservation Ordinance, Ordinance No. 021-73 in October 2021, that governs the use of streets and public rights-of-way in order to preserve street pavements. The Ordinance seeks to preserve pavements by restricting cuts and excavations in pavements that have been recently resealed, constructed, reconstructed, or resurfaced. In an effort to ensure street pavements are preserved, the department seeks permittees to coordinate their pavement cuts with the city so that all work is done simultaneously, and the pavement is not excavated or cut more than once within a twelve-month period, and (in accordance with Sec. 30-83) not within two (2) years after completion of street construction, reconstruction or renovation.

If you are an entity that requires a pavement cut along any Glendale maintained street, please follow the process here.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Surface Seal Applications
For roads that require preventive maintenance or in which pavement sections are in generally average or above average condition, many topical applications are available which extend the life of the pavement for many years. Typically referred to as “slurry seal”, this application may include different varieties and timing or applications. Glendale currently uses slurry seal; double slurry seal (which makes two passes across the asphalt pavement over a specific time period); sealcoat (polymer-modified surface seal); or FAST (fractured aggregate surface treatment) for their surface seal applications. These applications are topical, with a coating being applied to the existing surface of the street and when needed, this effort is typically preceded by asphalt repairs or a crack seal application. Streets crews assess each street prior to a pavement treatment and identify areas for concrete or asphalt repairs, or crack sealing.

Concrete/Asphalt Repairs
These require the removal of a smaller section of concrete or asphalt by lining out, saw cutting and removing the material, followed by replacement of new concrete or hot asphalt and compacting as necessary to provide a quality end product. For concrete repairs, asphalt surrounding the newly placed concrete is typically placed back after the concrete cures.

Crack Sealing
Inspection staff and the contractor will identify nominally large cracks in the existing pavement, or those which pose a future risk to the integrity of the asphalt. Once identified, crews apply a sealant directly on or over the crack to prevent further degradation or water entering the crack which may impact the subsurface of the roadway and create greater issues in the future.

Once repairs and crack sealing are completed, the surface treatment application can take place. Crews may first remove any thermal striping that may exist on the roadway, and then apply the surface treatment. Equipment typically is wide enough to cover 1 to 1 1/2 lanes of roadway, so this usually requires several passes of the application to cover the entire roadway. Generally speaking, roads typically remain open for travel during this process; however, traffic is shifted away from the work zone and left turns may be restricted so that vehicles do not travel over the fresh application. As the treatment crosses in front of side streets and driveways, there may be brief period of time where access may not be permitted (15-30 minutes). While this may be frustrating during the process, it is important to the quality of the application that vehicles do not immediately travel over it. Construction crews typically direct travelers and, once complete, unobstructed travel may resume. Once the surface application is complete, the road can be restriped and any valves or utilities adjusted to be flush with the road surface, if necessary. For areas that require thermal striping, this is usually applied 30 days after the application has taken place.

Residents, businesses and travelers are typically notified of upcoming pavement applications or restoration via traffic control signage or individual mailers or door hangers, dependent upon the type and impact of the process to be conducted.