Common Inquiries

1. How do I let you know there is a problem?

A case can be called in to our office by dialing 623-930-3610 or you can submit a concern online. Code Compliance Request for Service.

2. Why did I receive a violation notice? 

A person will receive a violation notice if they are in violation of City of Glendale municipal codes. A concern may have been called in by a citizen or an inspector noticed a violation on your property.

3. What should I do if I have questions about a violation that hasn't been resolved after submitting a concern? 
Give the inspector a reasonable amount of time to address the violation.  If the violation is still present, a follow up call can be made to either the inspector or the administrative assistant to get further information about the case.

4. What happens after I call in a concern?

Once a case has been opened the inspector will view the property within 3 business days. If a violation is present, the inspector will attempt to make contact with the violator. The inspector may issue a compliance order or mail a notice of violation. The compliance order will have a time-frame to correct the violation. The inspector will re-inspect the property and issue a final notice or citation if necessary. If the violator does not come into compliance after additional inspections, the inspector has the option of issuing a civil or criminal citation.  

5. What should I do if there are problems in my apartment?

If there are problems in your apartment, notify your property manager and/or the property owner. If the violations have not been corrected in sufficient time, you can call Code Compliance or create a complaint online. A senior inspector will call you for further information and to schedule a time and date to inspect the property.

6. Who should I call for questions about building permits?

If you have questions regarding building permits, please call 623-930-2800. 

7. Can I drain my pool into the street?

Pools are not allowed to be drained into the street. You can drain your pool onto your property or into your cleanout which is either in the front or back yard. Click on this link for more information.

8. Who should I call regarding a barking dog nuisance?

Code Compliance enforces the noise ordinance. If a dog is barking incessantly or not within its normal nature, the noise would be considered a nuisance. The inspector would make contact with the owner of the dog and inform them of the concern. The complainant would receive a noise petition to fill out and complete in its entirety. After completion, the complainant would send the packet back along with a recording that the inspector would forward to the prosecutor's office.  Please clink on this link to view our barking dog brochure.

9. Who do I call if there is a stray animal in my neighborhood?

Please call our Animal Services Hotline at 623-930-3212 to report all healthy stray dogs, a dog or cat bite, or a vicious dog.  They will capture and transport the animals to Maricopa County Animal Care and Control.

10. How many yard sales can I have?

Residents are allowed to have 3 yard sales within a 12 month period. Click here for more information regarding yard sales.

11. Who should I call regarding a green pool at a vacant property?

Please call us to report a neighbor with a green swimming pool. If a vacant property has a green swimming pool or if a public pool is green or in disrepair, Maricopa County should be notified. They can be reached at 602-506-6616. Please click on this link for more information.

12. Is a permit required to put up a sign or banner in front of my establishment?

Yes, a permit is required in order to put up a sign in the City of Glendale. An application has to be submitted for a sign permit as well as a permit fee. Please call 623-930-2800 for more information. Please click on this link for information about prohibited signs.

13. Who do I report a dead animal to?

You can report all dead animals in the right of way by calling 623-930-3212.

14. Who should I call if someone is parking an oversized or unlicensed vehicle on the street?

Concerns regarding street parking are handled by the police department. A complaint can be made online through the traffic enforcement link listed here.  Traffic Enforcement. You can also call 623-930-3000 to report a non-emergency issue.

15. Who should I call if my neighbor is burning on their property?

If there is an outdoor burning activity occurring: 
If a neighbor within a residential community is conducting some form of outdoor burning, you may call 911 if you believe the activity is a danger to your property or you believe the burning activity is illegal.

OTHERWISE:  You may contact Maricopa County Air Quality for assistance.
The Maricopa County Air Quality division establishes no-burn days and is the regulatory authority on this topic.  The County also details the type of materials that may / may not be burned.  You can call 602-372-2703 to report air quality violations to Maricopa County or you may report an air quality concern or violation here

For additional information please visit

16. Where can I park on my property?

Click here to view our Residential Parking Codes brochure.  For more information, feel free to call our office at 623-930-3610.